Containers on AWS

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Discover The Power & Efficiency Of Containerization

Shire can help your business leverage the benefits of containerization by providing expert guidance on the best technologies and tools for your specific needs. With our help, you can streamline the development, deployment, and management of your applications, while maximizing resource utilization and minimizing costs. From determining whether Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS is the best fit for your environment, to leveraging Docker and Kubernetes, our team has the experience and expertise to guide you through the entire process. Let us help you optimize your cloud environment and accelerate your success with containerization.


66% of organizations adopting containers experienced increased developer efficiency.


75% of organizations saw their deployment time drop when adopting containers.


Deploy and manage containers without having to provision or manage servers.


Seamlessly and efficiently scale to meet customer demand.

Understand What Tools To Adopt, When, And How

We can help you determine the best container orchestration solution for your business, whether it's Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). Our team of experts has experience with both technologies and can guide you through the process of implementing and managing containerization at scale.