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What We Do

We offer complete, out of the box cloud solutions that can cater to your every need. From infrastructure and security, to disaster recovery and remote data storage.

Managed Services

How to make your business more agile? We offer cloud infrastructure management services to help you automate the process of scaling and monitoring your infrastructure.

Professional Services

Cloud computing has changed how the world operates, from how businesses are run to how we receive our entertainment.

DevOps Services

Streamline your workflows with a powerful tool to extract and analyse customer feedback collected by customer care, sales and marketing teams.



We're all about transparency. That's why we provide solutions that fit your needs and budget, not ours. We're just a phone call and initial email away from getting to know you, your project and your goals.

We work with our customers to find the best possible solutions to their challenges. We'll join you in your current budgetary scope, to set you up on a path of incremental and sustainable improvement.

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These workshops will provide you with valuable insights and knowledge on how to create the optimal environment for your needs, as well as help you avoid common pitfalls. The presentations will be given by experienced engineers who have successfully implemented environmental solutions in various industries across the globe.

Our expertise in cloud solutions and excellent communication skills allow us to effectively collaborate with our clients and provide personalized solutions that meet their specific needs. Our ability to clearly communicate ensures that our clients fully understand every aspect of the project.



We carefully plan and align each implementation with the individual needs of our clients. Our process involves working closely with you to continuously build, test, and deploy your cloud infrastructure in tandem with your software development timeline.

We will ensure that your production and application environments meet industry and regulatory standards and provide timely guidance to prevent security breaches and potential disasters.

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Restly Shape



Our team is dedicated to providing you with round-the-clock support, 365 days a year. We prioritize your uptime and data security to ensure that your services are consistently available and your customer information is protected. Our goal is to provide you with the highest level of uptime and maintain the integrity of your data.

Our experts will help you optimize costs through efficient resource management and provide prompt support and guidance to address any security threats. We will also regularly report on potential threats to ensure the protection of your resources.

Our Case Studies

Overview of Our Recent Projects


Successfully Migrated to AWS, Implemented DevOps Practices, and Optimized Cloud Infrastructure to Meet Increased Demand for Security Services

Universal Sweepstakes

Partnered with Shire Cloud to Achieve a 30% Cost Reduction and 5x Performance Improvement on AWS for Universal Sweepstakes


Shire Cloud Assists Eazyflicks in Building Continuous Integration and Delivery Pipeline

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We take a deep dive into the world of cloud computing, the different types of services it provides, and its applications in the world.

Can you describe other serverless application development…

For developers seeking a serverless application development framework in Azure…

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Get started with Shire Cloud

Schedule a call.

Please visit our Contact Us page and complete the form with a description of your needs.

Identify, Discuss, Solve.

During our call, we will discuss your current technology setup, work together to define your goals and target timeline, and suggest customized solutions for your business.


We will begin implementing the strategies outlined in the roadmap, allowing you to focus on what you do best - expanding your business - while we handle the technical details.