AWS Well-Architected Review

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Align Your Infrastructure With AWS Best Practices

Best Cloud Practices. Better Business Benefits

Our team of AWS-certified engineers can help you design, build, and optimize a cloud environment that aligns with your business objectives and maximizes the value of your AWS investment. We have extensive experience in creating scalable, cloud-native solutions that take advantage of the elasticity, efficiency, and resilience of the AWS cloud. By working with us, you'll be able to leverage our expertise and knowledge of the AWS tools, services, and automation to design solutions that meet your unique requirements and help you achieve your cost optimization goals.


Assess your workload against the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.


Shire's team of AWS-certified engineers will work to implement all recommendations from the AWS Well-Architected Framework assessment.


Our Well-Architected Review will provide you with a comprehensive list of recommendations to improve the security, reliability, and performance of your workload.


Efficient, reliable, performant, and secure workloads are the result of following the principles of the Well-Architected Framework.

A Comprehensive Cloud Assessment To Drive Excellence & Efficiency

Shire's team of AWS-certified engineers can help you optimize your use of the AWS cloud through a Well-Architected Review. This assessment looks at the five pillars of cloud design and management: security, reliability, performance, operations, and cost optimization. With the review and a strategic consulting session, we can identify short-term improvements and long-term projects, as well as create a plan for successful AWS cloud migration. By working with Shire, you can make the most of the elasticity, efficiency, and resilience of the AWS cloud to support your business goals.

Evaluate. Evolve. Excel.

Shire offers a thorough review of your infrastructure, known as the Well-Architected Framework, to identify areas for improvement in security, reliability, performance, cloud operations, and cost optimization. Our team of AWS-certified experts will provide actionable recommendations and work with you to implement best practices for your specific business needs. Additionally, we offer a Strategic Consulting session to identify quick wins, long-term initiatives, and effective cloud migration strategies to help you fully leverage the benefits of the AWS cloud.


Our Well-Architected Review will help identify and prioritize necessary changes to ensure the efficiency, reliability, performance, and security of your workloads.


Determine long-term strategies for achieving cost-effective high availability and rapid incident recovery.


Implement best practices and improvements in architecture and processes to continuously optimize and evolve your applications.

Expert Insights Into Your Well-Architected Review

Shire has deep expertise in conducting Amazon Well-Architected Reviews, having delivered numerous assessments for our customers. These reviews have consistently revealed critical issues, with a high percentage (96%) identifying significant security concerns. Leveraging our experience and the Well-Architected Framework, we can help you optimize your AWS environment for optimal performance, security, and cost-efficiency.