AWS Lambda

Unlock The Power & Efficiency Of Serverless Architectures

Shire's team of AWS-certified experts can help your business make the transition to using serverless technology, which can greatly reduce management overhead and enable your applications to scale easily. Our team can provide expert guidance on using AWS Lambda to move from traditional server-based architectures to serverless architectures, helping you unlock the benefits of this technology.


Enable transparent scaling & massively parallel execution with AWS Lambda.


Drive optimization by attributing cost to specific features and components.


Pay only for what you use and reduce management overhead.


Use event-based architectures to rapidly deploy, test, & measure changes.

Enable Transparent Scaling And Reduce Waste With AWS Serverless Services

Our serverless consulting services can help your organization make the transition to AWS Lambda, a cost-effective and scalable solution for running applications and backend services. Our team of AWS-certified experts will guide you through the process of identifying and refactoring your application code, enabling you to take advantage of the efficiency and granular insight provided by serverless technology. By leveraging the power of AWS Lambda, you can focus on driving innovation and growth rather than managing idle or under-utilized resources.

Enable Efficiency And Optimization

Shire's team of AWS-certified experts can assist your organization in the transition to a serverless architecture using AWS Lambda. Our team will work with you to break down your application into specific tasks, implemented as discrete functions, and connect them together using an event-driven approach. This will enable you to optimize resource usage and only pay for what you use. Our services will also provide insight into your cloud spending by application feature and function, allowing you to make informed decisions about optimization and aligning spend with demand.


Shire has deep serverless experience, with dozens of successful workload re-architectures and new deployments on behalf of our customers.


With our extensive serverless experience and expertise, Shire can help your engineering teams adopt and apply serverless for your workloads.


Looking for continuous improvement? Shire Managed DevOps can drive business transformation using serverless technology.

Engage With The Experts

Shire's team of AWS-certified engineers can help your business leverage the power of serverless architecture to streamline your operations, reduce management overhead, and enable massive scale. Our serverless consulting services will guide you through the process of transforming your traditional, server-based architecture to a more efficient and cost-effective serverless model, using AWS Lambda. With our support, you can break down your applications into specific, discrete functions, and tie them together with an event-driven architecture. Plus, with our help, you can gain greater visibility into your cloud spend, allowing you to optimize your use of resources and align your expenses with demand. Trust Shire to help you achieve your business goals through the benefits of serverless architecture.