Cloud Care

A Personalized, Proactive Advisory And Hands-On Support Service For AWS

High-Touch Guidance For Your AWS Environment & Operations

Shire Cloud Care is a high-touch, personalized advisory and support service designed to provide businesses with around-the-clock access to experienced cloud experts. As a leading cloud services provider, Shire understands the importance of being able to rely on expert support. With Shire Cloud Care, you can efficiently, securely, and cost-effectively manage your AWS environment and operations with the help of a dedicated team of experts.

Shire Cloud Care is a support service that combines around-the-clock reactive support for AWS with proactive guidance and planning based on your business goals. This helps you use AWS more effectively and strategically. With Shire Cloud Care, you don't just receive support, you are also empowered to make the most of your AWS environment.


With Shire Cloud Care, you will have access to a team of experts who can provide personalized guidance on best practices and technical assistance. They will also provide proactive insights and recommendations to help you optimize your workloads for cost efficiency.


24/7 technical assistance and proactive guidance to optimize your AWS environment and improve efficiency. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure that your workloads are running smoothly and efficiently, and provide recommendations for cost optimization and best practices.


With Shire Cloud Care, you'll have access to a team of experienced AWS experts who will provide proactive guidance and support to help you efficiently manage your cloud environment. This includes personalized recommendations for best practices, technical assistance for troubleshooting issues, and around-the-clock support for resolving any technical issues that may arise. Our team will also actively manage your support case and use our strong relationship with AWS to prioritize and resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

Personalized Insights & Recommendations

By partnering with Shire Cloud Care, you will have access to a team of experienced AWS-certified professionals who are dedicated to helping you effectively manage and optimize your AWS environment. Our team will provide around-the-clock support for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, as well as proactive guidance and recommendations to help you maximize the value of your AWS deployment. Through high-touch, personalized support, we aim to empower you to make informed decisions about your AWS environment and operations.

Tailored Technical Support Experience

Shire Cloud Care is a comprehensive support service designed to help you optimize your use of AWS and resolve technical issues efficiently. Our team of AWS-certified experts, led by Technical Account Managers, provide high-touch, personalized support to help you align your AWS environment with best practices and your business objectives. With a 1:10 engineer-to-customer ratio and SLAs equal to AWS Enterprise Support, you can expect timely, expert support around the clock via phone, web, and email, with active case management to ensure fast resolution of technical support requests.

Proactive Analysis & Inspection

With Shire Cloud Care, you can expect regular, in-depth discussions with your dedicated Technical Account Manager (TAM) to analyze the health, performance, and security of your AWS environment. These proactive analyses will help identify opportunities to better leverage AWS to accelerate your cloud success. Your TAM will also audit your environment and support cases on a regular basis to identify areas where you can improve performance or efficiency by designing away from recurring issues. Overall, Shire Cloud Care provides high-touch, personalized support for your AWS environment and operations, helping you strategically optimize your use of AWS resources and resolve technical issues in a timely manner.