Software Development

Shire Cloud > Industries > Software Development

Software & Infrastructure Like Hand In Glove

Understanding Software Development Industry

Whether you’re facing an infrastructure challenge, having trouble keeping up with industry trends, struggling with cloud migration, or finding it impossible to keep up with bugs and security patches, you will need top talent with years of experience in order to place your software development into a high-quality production environment.

Shire Cloud has years of hands-on experience and with us, you can step into a brave new world of agile software development and continuous delivery.

We don’t offer one-size-fits-all cloud enablement. Our approach is to conduct a thorough analysis of your needs in order to offer the best solutions tailored to your context and market. Shire Cloud is an extension of your software development teams – designing, building, implementing, and supporting your cloud infrastructure and services in parallel with your software development effort.

Our Expertise & Services

Focus in your Product

Running a cloud infrastructure and running an efficient DevOps environment is a tall order for product teams. We’ll take care of operations so that you can focus on development

Turnkey Solution

Infrastructure as Code and continuous integration provides a scalable and adaptable environment, improved workflows, shorter time to market, and cost optimization

Streamlined Workflow

Infrastructure as Code and continuous integration provides a scalable and adaptable environment, improved workflows, shorter time to market, and cost optimization

Bespoke Consulting

Our experts are available at all times to help out when your DevOps runs into a wall. Resolve bottlenecks in your CI/CD pipelines on the spot to keep your velocities stable and work flowing.