Health Care

Shire Cloud > Industries > Health Care

Build Robust, Compliant Solutions In The AWS Cloud.

We’re Experts In The Cloud – And Compliance

Shire Cloud’s team of AWS certified engineers have deep experience building robust, scalable environments and in navigating the complexities of compliance standards such as HIPAA/HITECH & GxP. We can guide you through the design and operational implications of your compliance requirements while also architecting technology solutions that help you fully leverage the elasticity, efficiency, and resilience of the AWS cloud.

Fully Compliant

Architect a AWS environment for a new project or rearchitect an existing application.

Fully Powerful

Leverage the full power and flexibility of the cloud, without sacrificing performance.

Secure & Scalable

Innovate at scale utilizing advanced and highly secure technology

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Have Confidence In Your Cloud’s Compliance

Shire Cloud, an Premier AWS Consulting Partner designated with a Healthcare Competency, holds a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Amazon and has long been recognized by AWS as an expert in designing and implementing solutions for the needs of healthcare companies. With expertise in defining strategic roadmaps catered to healthcare providers that use AWS’s utility-based cloud services to process, store, and transmit Protected Health Information (PHI), Mission focuses on helping companies innovate and scale while meeting all regulatory and compliance requirements.

Mission Control For Your AWS Cloud

When you become a Shire Cloud AWS Managed Cloud client, we start by reviewing your account configuration for security, compliance, and networking. As we work together, we'll continuously monitor, manage, and maintain your infrastructure for you. You’ll get regular performance reporting so you always know how things are running, and you’ll have a cadence of periodic consultations with your dedicated Mission Customer Success Manager to ensure your AWS infrastructure continues to meet your business needs. And when issues come up unexpectedly, we're always ready to respond, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


We can do a deep dive into your needs and design a technology roadmap to help you harness the power of the cloud.


We’ll help you optimize both your spend and your user experience across your environment.


We leverage sophisticated AI/ML technologies to keep your environment secure.

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How Mission Helps Healthcare Companies Move To The Cloud

Healthcare is a vertical with strict regulatory requirements, and AWS is a computing platform that aims to be consistent with HIPAA, the HITECH Act, and HITRUST CSF. With that said, navigating a migration to the cloud while also maintaining compliance is a lot for companies to manage on their own. Mission helps customers build in-depth roadmaps customized for their unique business needs as they migrate to the cloud, and provides managed support for such mission critical items as logging, auditing, backup, and disaster recovery.